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-from Piazza del Popolo to the Ara Pacis-

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  • departure from Piazza del Popolo (accessible by metro A).
  • Start the route along Via del Babuino.

  • along Via del Babuino you meet the Anglican Church of Rome, built in neo-Gothic style by the English artist George Street in 1882.     
  • close to the street number 150 there is a statue with a fountain that gives its name to the street : the Baboon.
  • next to it there is and it's well recognizable the original workshop of 1800, now transformed into an elegant bar, where the artist Antonio Canova created beautiful works in Carrara marble.

  • parallel to Via del Babuino there is the small but fascinating Via Margutta, called the "Way of the artists" because it has always been the preferred venue for artists of all kinds. Every year, in October, the event takes place "100 painters Margutta", this is an exhibition of paintings outdoors, where there are exposed more than 1,000 works by artists from around the world.

  • if you back on Via del Babuino you reach the magnificent Piazza di Spagna, with a central fountain called "la Barcaccia" (ugly boat), designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini at the beginning of 1600. At the back of the beautiful Piazza of 1700 there is a grandiose staircase.
  • leaving behind of you the staircase of Piazza di Spagna, you will walk along Via Condotti.     
  • so you reach Via del Corso, a few meters in front of you, you will find the Mausoleum of Emperor Augustus, who died in 14 AD . Not far away is preserved the Ara Pacis (Altar of Peace), also known as the Altar of Augustus.



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