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Menu principale:




Map Site


History of Rome


The hills of Rome


Districts of Rome



Coliseum  Flavian Amphitheatre
Roman Forum:

Settimio Severo’s Arch
Castore e Polluca’s Temple
Divo Giulio’s Temple
Basilica Aemilia

Vesta’s Temple

Castel  Sant’Angelo
The circular temple, alias Temple of Vesta  in the Forum Boarium
Mouth of Truth (Boarium)
Circo Massimo
Baths of Caracalla
Trajan’s market

Theatre of Marcellus
Foro Italico
The Quirinal Palace

The little Temple of Bramante
Saint Helen’s Mausoleum
Portico of Octavia



Navona Square
Spagna Square
People's Square
Capitol Square
St. Peter's Square
Campo de' fiori
Piscinula Square
Clock's Square

Largo Argentina
Piazza Foro Traiano and Piazza della madonna di Loreto
Piazza della Repubblica


Churches and Basilicas:

Basilica of Saint Peter
San Giovanni in Laterano
Santa Maria Maggiore
Santa Maria in Trastevere
San Paolo fuori le mura
Basilica di Santa Maria in Ara Coeli
Basilica di Santa Maria del Popolo
Church of Saint Ignatius Loyola
Basilica of Saint Clement
San Lorenzo fuori le mura 
San Sebastiano fuori le mura
Holy Cross in Jerusalem
Church of St. Louis of the French
Oratory of the Seven Sleepers
Church “Santa Maria della Pace”
Basilica di S.Cecilia
Piazza Foro Traiano and Piazza della madonna di Loreto
Basilica of Saint Mary of the Angels and the Martyrs



Fountain of the four Rivers
Fountain of the Turtles
Trevi Fountain
Fontana della Barcaccia
Fontana del Babuino
Fountain of Acqua Paola
Fontana del Mascherone

Fountain of the Naiades


The Palaces and the Palaces of power:

Briaschi Palace
Mattei Palace


The bridges - Tiberian Island:

Sublicio Bridge
Emilio Bridge
Sisto Bridge
Elio Bridge

Victor Emmanuel II Bridge


Esoteric Rome


Undergrounds of Rome:

Piazza Navona and the stadium of Domitian
The “excubitorium della VII corte dei Vigili” in Trastevere
The “Insula di San Paolo alla Regola”
Porta Asinaria and the route of the Aurelian Walls
The Monte Testaccio
The Insula dell’Aracoeli
The tombs of Via Statilia
The Nimphaeum of Via degli Annibaldi
The Mithraeum of the Circus Maximus
Auditorium of Maecenas
The Ludus Magnus, the great gladiatorial training school
The Colombarium of Pomponius Hylas
The aqueduct of Via del Nazareno (Aqua Virgo)
Catacombs of Rome
The Aureli hypogeum


Hidden Rome:

Claudian Acqueduct – Felix Acqueduct
Casina Vagnuzzi
Complex Borromini, Filipinos oratory
The slope of Villa Celimontana, the Nymph of the Aviary, and the seventeenth century Fountains
Villa Madama


Rome and the cinema




Honour to the dead people


Talking statues - The "madonnelle" - The "nasoni"


The Gladiators


Fascist Rome


Panoramic terraces


The faith of the Stadio Olimpico - football


The cult of food


Optical effects:

St. Peter’s Dome seen from Via Piccolomini
Borromini's perspective gallery Palazzo Spada
St. Ignatius’ fake dome

The Palace of Knights of Malta


Original projects


Photo Gallery


Philosophy of the Romans


Works by Bernini, Borromini, and Caravaggio


Ostia Antica ruins


The Middle Age



Vatican Museums
Borghese Gallery
Capitoline Museums
Palazzo Venezia
National Gallery of Ancient Art (Corsini Palace and Barberini Palace)
National Museum of Rome (Palazzo Massimo alle Terme)
Museum of Contemporary  Art of Rome (MACRO)
MAXXI – National Museum of the XXI century Arts
The National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art (GNAM)
Ara Pacis
Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia (National Etruscan Museum)


Recommended Tours:

- Tour 1 (the Fountains): from Piazza Barberini to Piazza Navona
- Tour 2: from Piazza del Popolo to Ara Pacis
- Tour 3: from Piazza S. Pantaleo to Isola Tiberina
- Tour 4: from Piazza Venezia to Largo Argentina
- Tour 5: from Piazza San Pietro to Rione Parione (Piazza Navona)
- Tour 6: tour of the seven churches
- Tour 7: from Colosseo to Porta Pinciana
- Tour 8: from San Clemente to the Capitoline Hill
- Tour 9: film-tour


Free Time:

The Parks

Pub and live music




Tourist Information:




Getting around





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